Quorn Medical Centre now has a Patient Participation Group, giving our patients the opportunity to have their say regarding the services we offer.
Members of the PPG Panel are obliged to attend 6 meetings per year. The minutes of our meetings can be found on the tab above or a paper copy can be requested.
The aim of the group is to raise health awareness in the form of awareness campaigns and/or health events.
We also have a virtual patient participation group forum, for those patients who wish to make suggestions, but do not wish to attend meetings. If you are interested in applying, please download an application form from our website, or a paper copy can be requested from reception.
If you have any ideas for discussion, please click on the 'contact us' button above or write to The PPG at our Practice address and your comments will be passed on to our panel of patients, a list of which can be found on the PPG noticeboard at the Practice.
Our Practice PPG currently has 19 patients on our PPG Panel; these patients are obliged to attend 6 meetings per year and to assist with health awareness displays and events. We also have 198 patients in our Virtual group; these patients are not obliged to attend meetings, but are welcome to do so if they wish. Agendas and minutes of meetings are sent to both groups.
We need as much help as we can from patients when it comes to setting up displays and events. It’s a great way to meet new people. When it comes to our AGM, we often struggle for volunteers for the position of Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary. So, if you have relevant skills and would like to be involved please get in touch. For more information about PPGs and/or how you can help, please email quorn.medicalcentre@nhs.net