Practice updates

Practice Updates


Many of you will have read about the GP vote in favour of industrial action. I understand that this may worry many of you. Many of you will also be wondering why this action has come about. I can re-assure you that this action is there to protect your care, with many GPs worried about the erosions in support to general practice over the last decade. We see this in the amount of GP practices that are closing & the number where quality of care has diminished.

If you would like further information, please visit the links below:

GPs Are on Your Side: a message for patients in England | British Medical Association

GPs in England say why action is needed to save general practice

I can also re-assure you that, we, as a practice, will not make any decisions, or take any actions, that would be detrimental to your care. You will not notice any change in the care you receive whilst this action takes place I am optimistic that our new Government shares this ambition.

Many thanks,

 Dr U Abdulmajid (GP Partner)


GP Patient Survey Results 30th July 2024

We would like to take the time to say a massive thank you to all our patients who completed the most recent GP survey questionnaire that had been sent to them this year.

We have received fantastic results with the help of all of you and as a surgery we are proud to share these with you.

Quorn Medical Centre. 253 surverys sent out. 95 surveys sent back 38% completion rate. Overall experience 73% very good, 13% fairly good 86% positive. Good overall experience of contacting this GP practice 88% positive. Easy to contact this GP practice on the phone 80% positive. Easy to contact this GP practice using their website 59% positive. Helpfulness of reception and administrative team at this practice 95% positive. Knew what the next step would be after contacting this GP practice 88% positive. Knew what the next step would be within two days of contacting this GP practice 98% positive.
Experience at last appointment. The healthcare professional had all the information they needed about the patient 96% positive. The healthcare professional was good at listening to the patient 92% positive. The healthcare professional was good at treating the patient with care and concern 91% positive. The patient was involved as much as they wantd to be in decisions about their care and treatment 92% positive. The patient had confidence and trust in the healthcare professional they saw or spoke to 94% positive. The patient's needs were met 91% positive.

Important patient information: Measles

Measles is an infection that spreads very easily and can cause serious problems in some people. Cases of measles are increasing.

The main symptoms of measles are:

  • a high temperature (fever) and a rash alongside
  • a cough; or
  • red, sore, watery eyes; or
  • a runny or blocked nose.

If you think you or your child may have measles, contact us via the telephone.

Measles can spread to other people easily. Please do not visit the surgery or any healthcare setting, unless advised by a healthcare professional.

Measles usually starts with cold-like symptoms, followed by a rash a few days later. Some people may also get small spots in their mouth.

Having the MMR vaccine is the best way to prevent it.


Get vaccinated against measles

The MMR vaccine can prevent measles. It also protects you from mumps and rubella.

The MMR vaccine is offered to all children in the UK. 2 doses can give lifelong protection against measles, mumps, and rubella.

If your child has not had their first or second MMR vaccine, please call the surgery to book an appointment.

For more information on measles and the MMR vaccine, please visit the NHS website.



Studies Update

We are please to announce that we have received the 2023/2024 RSI Recognition Award for research study recruitment this year and we have also been promoted to a Level 3 Research Study Activity site.  We are very proud to help researchers find new treatments and outcomes for patients. All the studies are chosen because they benefit the patients who are registered at this Practice.